DIY Sustainable Cleaning Products

Eco friendly cleaning spray sustainable homemade natural cleaning products DIY

DIY Eco cleaning spray has become very common in the last few years, popping up everywhere like mushrooms after the rain. Everyone is telling you it's healthier for you and will help the environment but a lot of people are having trouble making the switch.

is it worth it to make your own cleaning products?

If you still haven't made your own cleaning products, chances are you're asking yourself if it is cheaper or even worth it to make your own cleaning supplies?

Let us start by saying YES, it will be much cheaper. Most of the ingredients in our recipes you probably already have at home. Otherwise, these are economical products that last for a long time. Not  only that, it is better in different kinds of aspects. 
Eco-friendly cleaning products are healthier for you and the environment, not to mention, they will help you reduce plastic use. 


After trying out many recipes, we found the perfect two. Homemade All-Purpose Surface Cleaner for you, one with vinegar and another without. Both are water-based and all-natural ingredients such as baking soda, lemon juice, essential oil, and castile soap. 
You can use them for all-purpose at your home, like the kitchen, bathroom, and any kind of surface. Make sure you wipe the surface with a towel after spraying. 

Eco friendly cleaning spray sustainable homemade natural cleaning products DIY

forest blossom cleaning spray

  1. A 500 ml spray bottle, no need to buy a new one you can definitely an old one you have at home just make sure you clean it really well before use. 
  2. 2 cups of cooled boiled water (distilled water)
  3. 2 teaspoons of liquid castile soap, up to ¼ cup
  4. 10 drops pine essential oil
  5. 10 drops cedarwood essential oil
  6. 2 tsp baking soda.

How to make - Measure baking soda into a clean spray bottle. Add the water and then shake really well until the baking soda dissolves, less than a minute. Add the castile soap and essential oil. Gentle shake the cleaner. This cleaner should be stored in a cool & dry place. 

forest blossom cleaning spray with vinegar

  1. A 500 ml spray bottle, no need to buy a new one you can definitely use an old one you have at home just make sure you clean it really well before use. 
  2. 1 cup distilled water
  3. 1 cup white distilled vinegar
  4. 1/2 lemon juice (optional)
  5. 10 drops pine essential oil
  6. 10 drops cedarwood essential oil

How to make - Pour all the ingredients into a 500ml spray bottle (use a funnel, if needed). Gently shake the cleaner. Due to the fresh lemon juice, this cleaner should be stored in the fridge between uses.

How to use

Shake the spray bottle well before spraying the surface and wipe off the surface with reusable unpaper towels to avoid stains. 

Do NOT use a vinegar cleaner on marble or granite. However, you can use the castile soap cleaner on sealed marble or granite.

what is the eco-friendly spray good for?

This spray serves an all-purpose role at your home and can be used to clean many surfaces: kitchen and bathroom cupboards, the inside of the fridge/freezer, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, carpet accidents (in this case we recommend using the vinegar cleaner), and some appliances.

 Natural Water based products are best to use for about one month, we recommend writing the date on the bottle. If you are a light user, try starting with half the amount written on the recipe. 

DIY sustainable cleaning products

Benefits of Choosing Natural Homemade Cleaning Products

WARNING - Once you start with eco cleaners, it's hard to accept the chemical products back for so many reasons:

  • Firstly, it's healthier and less toxic for you and your family members. Research has shown that cleaning products are as bad for our lungs as smoking 20 cigarettes per day, and let's be frank, smoking belongs to the ’90s ;) 
  • Secondly, better for the environment, all these chemicals you are flushing down the toilet or the sink ends up in the ocean or any source of water close to you, ruining the water and eventually our world. 
  • Most of the cleaning products you purchase come in disposable plastic bottles that you throw away after one use, even if you recycle, a large part of it ends up in the ocean and affects many animal species, leading to global warming.
  • Money saver - The homemade cleaning products are super economical, we can't remember why we had to spend so much money on chemicals in the first place.
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